If you have an apple tree, or like me your neighbour's apple tree provides enough autumn bounty for both of you, then you will want to be quick and creative, to use up this harvest.
Making jam is unbelievably easy - Try it! I made some plum jam last summer and we are only now eating our last jar. It's so satisfying turning fruit from your garden into something delicious you can enjoy all year round.
This year I have made a wonderful whisky apple jam to eat all year round. It makes for a delicious topping on sourdough toast, or add it to a bowl of yogurt with some granola. And my favourite - ice cream with chocolate and nut biscuit crunch for dessert.
If you are feeling generous, make up jars for Diwali or Christmas gifts - I've made some up for Diwali for my family and can't wait for them to try it!
Sterilise 4/5 small jars or 3 large jam jars.
Put a small saucer in the fridge, to test the jam later.
Peel, core and cut the apples into even sized chunks (so they cook evenly) . Mix with the caster sugar in a large sauce pan. Add the water and bring to a boil, stir to dissolve the sugar.
Turn it down to a simmer, so its bubbling nicely.
Cook gently for around 30, 35 mins until the apples are collapsing.
Use a potato masher to break down the apples - it works a treat! You don't want a puree however.
Stir in the lemon juice, vanilla bean paste and cinnamon and cook for a few minutes.
Test half a tsp of the jam on the cold saucer. The jam should set. If it doesn't, let it cook for another 5/10 mins.
Stir in the whisky. Turn off the heat.
Fill the jars while the jam is still hot and seal them.
Save a little to eat over the next few days.
Once you open a jar, refrigerate and eat within a month.
I store in smaller jars so I can eat it all year round!